Happiness Festival

Happiness Festival

In recognition of the International Day of Happiness, Mad Marks was tasked with creating an impactful, inaugural ‘Happiness Journey’ for the National Programme for Happiness and Positivity. The challenge lay in organizing a vibrant, day-long festival that would embody and promote the key tenets of happiness – Giving, Positivity, Gratitude, Relationships, and Meaning. With participants ranging from local residents to public figures, the event also needed to facilitate a diverse range of cultural backgrounds and create an inclusive atmosphere of joy and positivity.
Mad Marks rose to the challenge with aplomb. The festivities commenced with the Happiness Walk, a lively parade along the Dubai Water Canal, which saw hundreds of residents and public figures participate. Each of the five core values of happiness was showcased at a dedicated stand, allowing attendees to engage with each aspect directly and meaningfully. In addition to providing a range of entertaining activities, the event also placed a strong emphasis on education. Children and families took part in interactive sessions on happiness and positivity, conducted by high-profile local and international scientists and experts. The success of the event was underscored by the attendance of His Highness Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum, who toured the festival accompanied by Mohammad Abdullah Al Gergawi, Minister of Cabinet Affairs and the Future, Ohoud Khalfan Al Roumi, Minister of State for Happiness, and Khalifa Saeed Sulaiman, Director General of the Dubai Protocol and Hospitality Department. Mad Marks effectively met the challenge, delivering an unforgettable ‘Happiness Journey’.

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